05 marzo 2024

PD (Marica)_mediometraje

Formidable mediometraje francés dirigido por Olivier Lallart en 2019. Interpretado por Paul Gomerieux y Jacques Lepesqueur. Realizado antes de la pandemia, ha sido premiado en 53 festivales de cine y visionado 5 millones de veces en la red. En francés con subtítulos en inglés. 31 min.

Thomas, un estudiante de 16 años, descubre su atracción por Esteban, otro chico de su instituto. El rumor acerca de su homosexualidad se extiendo rápido y Thomas empieza a sufrir el peso de la mirada ajena.

A self-effacing teenager is outed after he admits to kissing another guy at a party and liking it. You know who else liked it, though? The guy he kissed! However, he's not going to admit that in a hurry. 

9 comentarios:

Fin Martens dijo...

The way the professor explained homosexuality to students is amazing 🙌👏

Anónimo dijo...

Wow, the scene at 13:30 is legitimately some of the best acting I've ever seen. Love how the one guy can simultaneously be rage-filled against him because he doesn't fully understand it and yet at the same time you can see all the passion and longing he has for him. Brilliantly done, very powerful. 💖🌈

Dieter Kassier dijo...

What I liked most about this movie are the teacher's words, just be something normal, no need for labeling, just a simple be yourself. Best message ever, because that includes everyone... No label needed.

Hansin dijo...

No one seems to mention how amazing their acting skills are. I mean, their facial expressions, gestures and and body language are just so natural and perfect. It is such an elegant and high-quality short film.

Olivier Lallart dijo...

PD, C'EST FINI! Après plus de 4 ans de diffusions, on a décidé d'arrêter de l'envoyer en festivals! Il termine son exploitation avec un joli palmarès, et j'en profite pour remercier toutes celles et ceux qui ont permis à ce film d'exister, que ce soit dans l'équipe ou par le soutien et les partages! On continue cependant de le montrer en milieu scolaire. Et puis sur YouTube, il y a encore + de 3000 personnes qui le regardent tous les jours, c'est fou!

@pearlsthv dijo...

I just loved everything about this short film. I could feel what the actors were portraying and feeling. I just wish that people would be more accepting of the lgbtq community and not treat them so differently. It’s freaking 2024 and it’s time everybody grows up. We need more teachers like the professor in this film who can educate more about this and encourage youngsters to accept people the way they are. “It’s the society that needs to change, not them”

@yvanlepine1233 dijo...

J’ai 70 ans. J’ai vécu l’homophobie et je me retrouve tellement dans ce film. Bravo. Et il ne faut surtout pas baisser les yeux. Toute la force de vivre passe par le regard.

@donshaw9787 dijo...

Finally! A film about homophobia/internalized homophobia that is both realistic and doesn't end in tragedy. I wish I had seen this when I was in high school. It would have saved me years of longing and heartache. Sensitively acted and beautifully shot. Bravo to all of you!!!

@MrBagpiperob dijo...

Extremely well written and acted! The transformation of both characters felt real. The world is not there yet, but I hope it will be someday. I only wish that my little corner of it had been as accepting 40+ years ago. Maybe life wouldn’t have been so horrible if it had been.