30 junio 2022

Passer les champs_court métrage


3 comentarios:

Warren Abeshouse dijo...

It's good to see the genuine bond and affection between the two brothers with one being straight and the other gay. What's not so good is that Theo, living in the French rural countryside, a bastion of conservatism, can only confide in Lucas that he's gay and takes love where he can find it - via dating apps, where he ends up with a married man twice his age. Apparently, the assignation doesn't go well and Theo calls Lucas who decides to go where he is and pick him up. Do they both decide to leave their village together? Regardless, this is a well-acted and great depiction of what life is like for young men like this, neither of whom seem to be particularly happy with their circumstances and perhaps finally decide to do something about it.

Christophe Caquelard dijo...

Passer les champs - L'amour n'est pas dans le pré, est un court métrage qui m'a laissé affamé ! C'est trop court, car bien interprété, bien joué, bien mis en scène. Un potentiel scénaristique avorté qui mériterait un long métrage pour développer l'amorce de cette histoire et trouver un complément d'âme qui toucherait un plus large public. Il y a matière à faire de ce très beau court métrage, un projet plus abouti. En tous cas bravo, j'ai beaucoup aimé, à suivre.

C Florian dijo...

Ce que la solitude pousse à faire... Belle relation fraternelle, ça fait plaisir!